10 min away from the Machu-Picchu - Ollantayambo train

Intermittent Living Course at Las Qolqas Eco Lodge
5 - 11 May, 2024 

Taught by Dr. Leo Pruimboom

Pututuyuc view from Las Qolqas ecolodge Peru
Las Qolqas Eco Lodge

What is Intermittent Living?

Intermittent Living is a method to trigger moderate, short-lived stress stimuli such as cold, heat, hunger, thirst, hypoxia, cognitive challenges or intensive exercise. In this way, our survival instinct is stimulated, which has otherwise been numbed by our modern sedentary lifestyle. By exposing our body and mind to these moderate stresses we re-boot our metabolism so that we become more vital again. Intermittent fasting increases stress tolerance whereas Intermittent Living makes people anti-fragile and innovative

US$ 3,750 for a 48- hour course spread over 5 Days of 8 to 10 hours and 6 Evenings
During the length of the course participants will engage in theory lectures, clinical studies, practical applications of the theory, hikes on Inca trails and visits to archaeological complexes including a visit to Machu Picchu.
The price includes Transportation to & from Cusco airport, all meals, shared accommodation, lectures, guided activities, hike to Machu Picchu, blood & urine samples.
The flight to Lima & onward flight to Cusco are not included.
Some of the activities will incorporate use of the wellness facilities of the lodge, such as the sauna, cold onsen and geodesic dome. Massages and Spa therapies are not included.

Intermittent Living - Itinerary

Day 1 - Sunday, May 5, 2024

Arrival during the morning to Cusco airport. Courtesy shuttle to Ollantaytambo – Las Qolqas Eco-Lodge.
Participants will be given a free afternoon to aclimate to the altitude and can choose to have lunch at a time of their liking and relax on the grounds of the property.
6pm: Welcome cocktail and dinner
Woman walking at Las Qolqas Eco Lodge
Media luna Ollantaytambo

Day 2 - Monday, May 6, 2024

Blood draw. Measuring body weight, blood pressure, height, heart rate variability, waist circumference, completing vitality questionnaires.
Activity: Morning hike (aerobic activity) with a local guide
Theory. Hormesis; definition, application to animals, plants and humans. The role of nrf2. Positive and negative feedback mechanisms. Indication and contraindications.
Practice. A ‘cold day’. Hypoxia, extreme cold baths, aerobic exercise, vegetable hormesis, food fasting, AMPkinase stimulating nutrients.

Day 3 - Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Self tests of glucose, lactose and blood pressure.
Theory. Oxidants, electrophilic substances, fermentation and exercise as hormetic interventions.
Practice. A ‘hot day’. Hypercapnia, sauna, High Intensity Training (playful), AMPkinase foods
Sauna at Hotel Sacred Valley. A couple in a barrel-shaped sauna
Where is Machu Picchu sanctuary. Dónde está Machu Picchu

Day 4 - Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Self tests of glucose, lactose and blood pressure.
Theory. Cold, heat, pre and post conditioning. The therapeutic value of the Intermittent Living Concept.
Practice. Hike with local guide. hyperventilation hypoxia. Cognitive stimuli. Extremely cold bath (as opposed to heat and stress – bringing hormesis and nrf2 within the limits).

Day 5 - Thursday, May 9, 2024

Self tests of glucose, lactose and blood pressure.
Theory. Drinking and eating intermittently. Fermentation course. Good and bad fermentation. Indications and contraindications.
Practice. HIIT (playful), extreme cold baths, Bikram Yoga. sleep deprivation. Slow breathing hypoxia, intermittent drinking, cold shower, cognitive games.
Meditation: Ancestral Music concert
payment to mother earth
Perolniyoc Waterfall in Peru Sacred Valley

Day 6 - Friday, May 10, 2024

Blood draw and vitals measurements
Theory. Therapeutic hypoxia and hypercapnia; different protocols. pH training, making protocols. Negative and positive feedback from nrf2. Autoimmune disorders versus cancer.
Practice. Long aerobic training mixed with strength training – Guided by a local guide. Hypoxia and hypocapnia exercises. Sauna. Hot Shower. AMPkinase diet. Intermittent fasting.
Evening: Farewell party!

Day 7 - Saturday, May 11, 2024  

Checkout and courtesy shuttle to Cusco

About Dr. Leo Pruimboom

Leo Pruimboom, PhD is a Dutch biochemist who has pioneered the development of Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (CPNI), a medical discipline that, based on scientific evidence, studies how different medical specialties such as neurology and endocrinology interact with the body’s immunological response and with an individual’s metabolism, playing a fundamental role in the health of the subject.

For more information on Dr Pruimboom and the Intermittent Living Programs, visit www.intermittentliving.com

Pruimboom Intermittent Living